How to Make No Sew Lavender Sachets (Easy step-by-step instructions)
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How to Make No Sew Lavender Sachets (Easy step-by-step instructions)

Turns out sachets are not only fun to say they are easy to make too! I love a simple no-sew project and you know I love to pull out my glue gun for easy craft projects! Today I’m sharing how to make no sew lavender sachets (easy step-by-step instructions). Let’s jump in! *This post includes…

DIY Yarn Christmas Trees for a Soft and Sparkly Blush Holiday
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DIY Yarn Christmas Trees for a Soft and Sparkly Blush Holiday

Sharing this simple but fun take on Christmas decor! Not a speck of red in sight for this unique, soft, sparkly blush design! I recently shared this mantel on Instagram and received several questions about how to make the DIY yarn Christmas trees – so I thought a DIY Yarn Christmas Trees for a Soft…

Mod Podge Image Transfer: An Easy Laser Printer Method

Mod Podge Image Transfer: An Easy Laser Printer Method

I’m excited to share with you a surprisingly simple way to transfer images from paper to your project using an easy laser printer transfer method. This straightforward technique has completely changed my approach to image transfers, allowing me to create stunning projects like vintage Christmas breadboards and charming French country clay pots. *This post includes…

Craft Your Own Holiday Decor Beads: Adding a Seasonal Twist
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Craft Your Own Holiday Decor Beads: Adding a Seasonal Twist

Hear me out…what if we ditched the tassels on our farmhouse decor beads for let’s say… a puff of greenery…or berries…or pinecones? Well, that’s what I did for these DIY Christmas Beads and I’m in love! Dive into this easy Christmas DIY project and discover how to create your very own festive garland! I’ll show…