How To Decorate A Spring Dough Bowl
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How To Decorate A Spring Dough Bowl

With a few fall dough bowl options up on the blog, I thought it would be fun to extend the category by sharing How To Decorate A Spring Dough Bowl. In this post, I take you through painting these faux cement bunnies and making grapevine nests followed by step-by-step instructions on filling the dough bowl….

DIY Book Stack Decor: Budget-Friendly Ideas for Book Lovers
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DIY Book Stack Decor: Budget-Friendly Ideas for Book Lovers

The holiday season often leaves us with leftover craft supplies and decor ripe for repurposing. This year, I found myself with a stack of red hardcover books from a previous project, sparking an idea for Valentine’s Day decor. But don’t worry – this DIY Book Stack Decor: Budget-Friendly Ideas for Book Lovers post isn’t just…

How to Make No Sew Lavender Sachets (Easy step-by-step instructions)
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How to Make No Sew Lavender Sachets (Easy step-by-step instructions)

Turns out sachets are not only fun to say they are easy to make too! I love a simple no-sew project and you know I love to pull out my glue gun for easy craft projects! Today I’m sharing how to make no sew lavender sachets (easy step-by-step instructions). Let’s jump in! *This post includes…

Craft Your Own Holiday Decor Beads: Adding a Seasonal Twist
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Craft Your Own Holiday Decor Beads: Adding a Seasonal Twist

Hear me out…what if we ditched the tassels on our farmhouse decor beads for let’s say… a puff of greenery…or berries…or pinecones? Well, that’s what I did for these DIY Christmas Beads and I’m in love! Dive into this easy Christmas DIY project and discover how to create your very own festive garland! I’ll show…