How to Decorate a Christmas Tree to Look Full: From Sparse to Spectacular

How to Decorate a Christmas Tree to Look Full: From Sparse to Spectacular

Ahhhh my favorite topic! These tips were born from our habit of waiting too long to get our fresh Christmas tree, leaving us with only the less-than-desirable options. Over the years, I’ve become quite the expert at making our sparse trees look fuller – purely from experience. But don’t worry, these tricks in this, How…

Guest Bedroom Retreat: Essential Elements for Creating an Inviting Space
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Guest Bedroom Retreat: Essential Elements for Creating an Inviting Space

As Ray and I transitioned into the empty nest phase of our lives, we were presented with the exciting task of reimagining our home, starting with the newfound space in our spare bedroom after our last child moved out after college. Rather than succumb to the temptation of converting it into yet another storage space,…

Wallpaper Decor Ideas You Can Implement in a Day (2025)
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Wallpaper Decor Ideas You Can Implement in a Day (2025)

Alright, let’s take a moment to appreciate the resurgence of wallpaper in interior design. It’s like a silent superhero of home decor, quietly transforming spaces with its versatility and impact. And guess what? You don’t need a team of experts or weeks of work to get in on the action. Nope, we’re talking about simple,…