Thank you for joining me on my home decorating journey! We are often changing things up here and doing projects to make our home a cozy space for our family and friends.

Here is where you will find links to what we have that is actually “link-able” (meaning I can source for you). As you know I’m a big thrifter and love to shop for great vintage finds. You can see many of these treasures throughout our home mixed with some newer more “link-able” items.

For ease I’ve organized this shopping category by room and when needed I’ve sourced similar products.

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Laundry Room:

Our completed laundry room with IKEA built in, wallpaper and decor.


A full view of the makeover including bedding.

See how we made our own Upholstered DIY Box Spring


Living room with storage baskets


outdoor space with hanging chairs

Kitchen – Baking Station

kitchen baking station

Guest Bedroom: