Let’s dive into the world of Pothos plants, also known as Epipremnum aureum1. These guys are the MVPs of indoor greenery because they’re the easiest houseplants to care for and they bring a fresh vibe to any room.

Now, let’s talk about something that’s been buzzing in the plant world: growing Pothos hydroponically. Hydroponic gardening is all the rage, and Pothos is hopping on board.

Instead of the old-school soil routine, you’re growing your Pothos in water, with all the nutrients it needs right there in the H2O. It’s like treating your plant to a luxurious spa day! And the word on the street? Hydroponic. Everyone’s chatting about it, and it’s catching on fast.

A large mason jar filled with water and pothos.

Growing Pothos hydroponically isn’t just easy-peasy, it’s also visually striking. It’s like having your own little green paradise right in your living space. Plus, it’s a fun way to shake things up and add a touch of modern flair to your home. This Planting Hydroponic Pothos: Effortlessly Growing Houseplants in Water post will demystify hydroponic gardening, taking you through each step with ease and clarity. By the end, you’ll confidently cultivate lush greenery in water, transforming your living space into a modern oasis.

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Hydroponics Demystified

Hydroponics is a fancy term for growing plants without potting soil2. Instead of the traditional dirt-in-a-pot setup, plants in hydroponic systems get their nutrients directly from water. It’s like giving your plants a direct line to their favorite cocktail of nutrients, no soil necessary.

Benefits Galore: Now, let’s talk perks. One major benefit of hydroponic growing is water efficiency.3 See, in traditional soil gardening, a lot of water can go to waste through drainage. But with hydroponics, water is recycled within the system, meaning you use less of it overall. Plus, it’s a cleaner process—low maintenance, no dirt, no mess. Just pure, efficient plant nourishment.

Pothos, Meet Hydroponics: So, imagine this: instead of your trusty Pothos (commonly referred to as Devil’s Ivy) chilling in a pot of soil, it’s floating in a nutrient-rich water solution. It’s like upgrading its living situation to a penthouse apartment with room service included. Growing Pothos hydroponically is all about giving your plant direct access to the nutrients it needs for lush, healthy growth, without the need for soil to play middleman.

A mug with a handle and a woman's hand holding the mug. in the mug is water and pothos with roots.

Propagating vs. Growing Hydroponically

In case you r wondering what is the difference between propagating and growing Pothos hydroponically. They are actually two distinct methods of plant cultivation, each with its own process and objectives:

  1. Propagating:
    • Propagating refers to the process of reproducing new plants from existing ones. This can involve various methods such as seed propagation, division, cuttings, or layering.
    • In the context of Pothos plants, propagating typically involves taking cuttings from an existing Pothos plant and encouraging them to develop roots, thus creating new individual plants.
    • Propagation can be done in soil or in water, depending on the specific plant and the desired outcome. In water propagation, cuttings are placed in water until they develop roots before being transferred to soil or another growing medium.
    • The primary goal of propagation is to create new plants either for expansion of an existing garden, sharing with others, or simply for the joy of cultivating new greenery. Visit my How to Plant Pothos Cuttings: A Simple Step-by-Step Guide for more information on propagating Pothos.
  2. Growing Hydroponically:
    • Growing hydroponically involves cultivating plants without the use of soil, instead using a nutrient-rich water solution as the medium for plant growth.
    • In hydroponic systems, plant roots are directly exposed to the nutrient solution, which is carefully monitored and adjusted to provide essential nutrients for optimal plant growth.
    • Hydroponic systems can range from simple setups like mason jars or clear containers to more sophisticated systems with pumps, reservoirs, and specific nutrient delivery mechanisms.
    • The primary objective of growing hydroponically is to provide plants with a controlled environment where they can efficiently absorb nutrients and water, leading to potentially faster growth rates and higher yields compared to traditional soil-based cultivation.

While both propagation and hydroponic growing involve the cultivation of plants, propagation focuses on creating new plants from existing ones using various methods, whereas hydroponic growing emphasizes providing plants with nutrients and water directly in a soil-less environment to promote healthy growth and development.

3 propagation jars with pothos.

Setting Up Your Hydroponic Pothos

Choosing the Perfect Container: Opt for clear glass containers or mason jars to house your hydroponic Pothos. Not only do they add a touch of style to your space, but they also allow you to admire those roots as they grow. It’s like having a front-row seat to the magic of plant life.

Nutrient Solution Prep: Whip up your nutrient solution, but make sure it’s the good stuff. We’re talking about balanced hydroponic fertilizers like Dyna-Gro Grow. These babies are packed with all the essential nutrients your Pothos needs to thrive in its water-based habitat. Think of it as a power smoothie for your plant.

Drainage and Water Management: Now, let’s talk logistics. You’ll want to ensure proper drainage and water levels for your hydroponic setup. Consider using net pots or clay pebbles to support your Pothos cuttings and maintain just the right amount of water. Or use a simple jar of distilled water like the hydroponics featured in this post. Here’s the difference between these two set ups:

  • Net pots and clay pebbles: These are typically used in more advanced hydroponic systems where plants are grown without soil. The net pots hold the plant in place while the clay pebbles provide support and aeration to the roots. However, they are not necessary for every hydroponic setup.
  • Jar of water for hydroponics: While traditional hydroponic systems involve more complex setups, such as those with net pots and clay pebbles, simpler methods like placing pothos stems in a jar of water can also be considered hydroponic. In this method, the jar acts as a reservoir for water and nutrients, providing a suitable environment for root development.

Finding the Perfect Spot: When it comes to placement, think indirect sunlight or artificial grow lights. Pothos plants thrive in bright, indirect light, so find a spot where they can soak up those rays without getting scorched. It’s like finding the Goldilocks zone for your green buddies—just enough light to keep them happy and healthy.

A jar filled with beautiful pothos roots in water.

Understanding Pothos Nodes and Propagation for Hydroponic Growth

Pothos plants, known for their resilience and lush foliage, feature distinct nodes along their stems, which are essential for propagation and hydroponic growth. Nodes are the points on the stem where leaves emerge, and roots can potentially develop. When preparing Pothos stems for hydroponic growing, it’s crucial to identify these nodes. To propagate Pothos for hydroponics, select healthy stems and locate the nodes, typically spaced a few inches apart. With a sharp, clean pair of scissors or pruning shears, cut the stem just below a node, ensuring there are at least two nodes remaining on the cutting. These nodes will serve as potential sites for new root growth when submerged in water or a hydroponic medium. As depicted in the illustration below, nodes are the key to successful propagation and robust root development in Pothos plants, making them indispensable for hydroponic enthusiasts aiming to cultivate these verdant beauties in water-based systems.

Propagating Pothos Cuttings

Harvesting Pothos Cuttings: It’s time to get down to business. To kickstart your hydroponic Pothos journey, you’ll need some cuttings from mature Pothos plants. As mentioned above, take double node cuttings, which are basically sections of the stem with a leaf node attached. This is where all the magic happens, where new roots will sprout and your plant adventure begins.

A close up of the root nodes.

Rooting Cuttings in Water: Now, let’s talk about getting those cuttings to grow some roots. Place your Pothos cuttings in water, making sure the nodes are submerged. It’s like giving them a cozy bath to encourage root growth. Keep an eye on them and change the water regularly to keep it fresh and full of oxygen. Once you see those little white roots sprouting, you know you’re on the right track. When the roots are about an inch long, it’s time to transition them to their hydroponic setup. It’s like sending them off to college—ready to thrive on their own!

A small jar of pothos.

How to Plant Pothos Hydroponically: Step-by-Step Guide

Supplies Needed:

Step-by-Step Instructions:

  1. Prepare Your Container:

    Choose a glass jar or clear container for aesthetic appeal and root visibility. Ensure the container is clean and free from any residues that may harm the plant. Fill the jar with clean, room temperature distilled water, ensuring that the Pothos cuttings are submerged while maintaining proper water levels for their growth.

  2. Add Dyna-Gro Grow Fertilizer:

    Follow the instructions provided with the Dyna-Gro Grow fertilizer to determine the appropriate amount to add to the water in your jar. Mix the fertilizer into the water until it’s well-dissolved.fertilizer for the plants.

  3. Take Pothos Cuttings

    Take healthy cuttings from your Pothos vines, ensuring each cutting has at least one to two nodes (the points on the stem where leaves grow). Trim any excess leaves from the bottom nodes.An image showing where to cut the stem so you will leave the nodes.

  4. Place the Cuttings in the Jar:

    Insert the trimmed Pothos cuttings into the water-filled jar, ensuring that the nodes are fully submerged in the water and the leaves are above the water line.placing pothos in a jar of water.

  5. Provide Adequate Light:

    Place the container in a location with indirect sunlight or under artificial grow lights for at least 6-8 hours a day to support healthy growth.pothos stems all rooted and in water.

  6. Monitor and Maintain:

    Regularly check the water level in the container and replenish with fresh nutrient solution as needed to ensure the roots have access to essential nutrients. Keep an eye on the overall health of the Pothos cuttings, ensuring they are free from signs of nutrient deficiencies or fungal diseases.A large mason jar filled with water and pothos.

  7. Change the Water:

    Every 1-2 weeks, replace the water in the jar with fresh water mixed with Dyna-Gro Grow fertilizer to prevent stagnation and ensure the Pothos cuttings receive adequate nutrients.Re-filling jar with watering can of water.

  8. Trim and Propagate (Optional):

    Once the Pothos cuttings have established roots and are growing vigorously, consider trimming the vines to promote bushier growth. You can also propagate new Pothos plants by taking additional cuttings and repeating the planting process.glass propagating station with pothos in the background.

To Use Net Pots and/or Clay Pebbles in your Hydroponics: Using net pots or clay pebbles in hydroponics provides support and stability to plant roots while allowing nutrient-rich water to flow freely around them. To use net pots, simply place the plant cutting or seedling into the net pot and fill it with clay pebbles to secure the plant in place. Then, submerge the net pot into the hydroponic solution, ensuring the roots are in contact with the nutrient-rich water. The clay pebbles help anchor the plant and provide stability, allowing the roots to absorb water and nutrients efficiently. This method is particularly useful for plants with delicate root systems or when using larger hydroponic setups. You may find this video helpful in understanding this set up.

A large bowl full of clay pebbles.

Maintenance and Care

Water Quality Check: Keep an eye on your water quality—it’s like the lifeblood of your hydroponic Pothos. Opt for distilled water or treat tap water using a pH testing kit to prevent mineral buildup that could clog up your system. It’s all about keeping things clean and pristine for your plant pals.

Water and Nutrient Boost: Just like us, plants need their regular dose of water and nutrients to stay happy and healthy. Make sure to replenish the water in your hydroponic setup regularly to keep those roots hydrated and thriving. And don’t forget to add some liquid fertilizer to the mix—it’s like giving your Pothos a nutritious meal to keep it growing strong.

Root Rot Prevention: Ah, the dreaded root rot—it’s like the boogeyman of hydroponic gardening. To keep it at bay, ensure your setup has adequate aeration to keep those roots happy and oxygenated. And whatever you do, avoid overwatering like the plague. Too much water can lead to fungal diseases and a world of trouble for your beloved Pothos. Keep it cozy, not soggy!

pothos in a jar of water.

Pothos Hydroponic Troubleshooting Chart

Occasionally things can go wrong. No worries simply refer to this helpful troubleshooting chart.

IssuePossible CauseSolution
Yellowing Leaves– Nutrient Deficiency– Check nutrient solution and adjust concentration
– pH Imbalance– Test pH levels and adjust accordingly
– Overwatering– Ensure proper drainage and adjust water levels
– Insufficient Light– Provide more exposure to indirect sunlight or artificial grow lights
Stunted Growth– Inadequate Nutrients– Adjust nutrient solution and frequency of application
– Root Rot– Check water levels and improve aeration
– Poor Lighting Conditions– Move plant to a location with indirect light
Brown Spots on Leaves– Fungal Infection– Remove affected leaves and improve air circulation
– Mineral Buildup in Water– Use distilled water or treat tap water with a pH testing kit
Wilting Leaves– Underwatering– Ensure roots are submerged in water and maintain appropriate water levels
– Root Rot– Improve drainage and airflow around roots
Slimy or Foul Odor in Water– Bacterial or Fungal Growth– Change water more frequently and clean container thoroughly
– Excessive Organic Matter Decomposition– Remove decaying organic matter from container
Stagnant Growth– Poor Nutrient Absorption– Test pH levels and adjust nutrient solution
– Inadequate Aeration– Add an air stone or improve container ventilation
Lack of Root Development– Improper Root Environment– Ensure proper substrate and root support
– Insufficient Nutrients– Adjust nutrient solution and frequency of application
– Root Damage During Propagation– Use healthy, undamaged cuttings for planting
1 single pothos leave in ajar of water.

Frequently Asked Questions About Growing Pothos Hydroponically

How often should I change the water in my hydroponic Pothos setup?

It’s recommended to change the water in your hydroponic Pothos setup every 2-4 weeks to prevent the buildup of algae and ensure your plant receives fresh nutrients. This helps maintain optimal water quality for healthy root growth and vibrant foliage.

Can I use tap water for my hydroponic Pothos in a glass container?

Tap water can be used for your hydroponic Pothos, but it’s advisable to let it sit for 24 hours to allow chlorine to dissipate. Alternatively, consider using distilled water or tap water treated with a pH testing kit to ensure the best conditions for your plant’s roots and overall health.

How long does it take for Pothos cuttings to root in water?

Typically, Pothos cuttings will start developing roots in water within 4-6 weeks under optimal conditions. During this time, it’s essential to monitor water levels, provide sufficient light, and maintain proper nutrient levels to support healthy root development.

pothos stems in a jar of water.

Hydroponic-Friendly Houseplants

Here’s a table listing some other indoor plants that can grow hydroponically:

Spider Plant (Chlorophytum comosum)Easy-to-grow plant with long, arching leaves that produce baby spider plants. Thrives in indirect light and can be grown in water or a hydroponic setup.
Peace Lily (Spathiphyllum)Elegant plant with glossy, dark green leaves and white flowers. Prefers low to medium light conditions and can be grown in water or hydroponic systems.
Philodendron (Philodendron spp.)Versatile plant with heart-shaped leaves that come in various shades and patterns. Enjoys bright, indirect light and can be grown in water or a hydroponic environment.
Chinese Evergreen (Aglaonema)Hardy plant with attractive, variegated foliage. Thrives in low to medium light and can be grown hydroponically for easy maintenance.
Lucky Bamboo (Dracaena sanderiana)Symbol of luck and prosperity. Grows well in water and is often used in hydroponic setups for its aesthetic appeal. Requires indirect light.
English Ivy (Hedera helix)Fast-growing vine with lush, green foliage. Adaptable to various light conditions and can be grown in water or hydroponic systems for cascading greenery.

These houseplants are known for their adaptability to hydroponic environments and can thrive with minimal soil or even in just water, making them excellent choices for indoor gardening enthusiasts.

monstera plant being grown hydroponically.

Growing Pothos hydroponically presents an exciting and innovative approach to cultivating this beloved houseplant. By embracing hydroponic methods, plant enthusiasts can enjoy the benefits of water efficiency, reduced mess, and the opportunity to create visually appealing displays.

Through this guide, we’ve explored the fundamentals of hydroponic Pothos cultivation, from understanding the concept of hydroponics to setting up your hydroponic system and propagating Pothos cuttings. We’ve discussed the importance of proper maintenance and care, including monitoring water quality, providing fresh water and nutrients, and preventing root rot.

Beautiful pothos hydroponic set up in a glass jar.

Additionally, we’ve shared additional tips and considerations for successful hydroponic Pothos growth, such as managing space and light, recognizing signs of nutrient deficiencies, and experimenting with different container styles.

Whether you’re a seasoned plant enthusiast or a beginner looking to explore new methods of plant cultivation, hydroponic Pothos offers a low-maintenance and visually stunning option for bringing greenery into your home. With a bit of creativity and care, you can enjoy the beauty and benefits of hydroponic gardening while nurturing healthy and vibrant Pothos plants in your living space.

Happy Planting Friends!

my signature, a drawing of me holding a coffee cup that says Create.


  1. Epipremnum aureum (Devil’s Ivy, Devil’s Vine, Golden Pothos, Ivy Arum, Marble Queen, Pothos, Taro Vine) | North Carolina Extension Gardener Plant Toolbox. (n.d.). https://plants.ces.ncsu.edu/plants/epipremnum-aureum/ ↩︎
  2. Morse, B. (2024, January 31). Hydroponics 101 – the complete guide to hydroponic growing. Hydrobuilder Learning Center. https://hydrobuilder.com/learn/hydroponics-101/#:~:text=The%20definition%20is%20growing%20plants%20without%20the%20use,an%20inert%20growing%20medium%2C%20or%20nothing%20at%20all. ↩︎
  3. Pomelo. (2024, January 9). Unearthing the benefits of Hydroponics | Atlas Scientific. Atlas Scientific. https://atlas-scientific.com/blog/benefits-of-hydroponics/#:~:text=Hydroponics%2C%20on%20the%20other%20hand%2C%20recirculates%20water%20within,not%20only%20environmentally%20responsible%20but%20also%20economically%20advantageous. ↩︎

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