One of my all-time favorite kitchen projects was organizing our spices in these sweet little ball jars. After years of our spices falling out of the cabinet – every time we opened it (insert eye roll*) – I knew it was time for a change! I also wanted to organize them in a way that they would be easy to access and maintain. Enter these little easy DIY chalkboard spice jars!

a wooden heart shaped bowl with chalkboard spices in it.
Chalkboard Spice Jars

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Organizing Spices: Sorting, Shopping, and Jarring

For the first step in your spice organization journey, begin by rounding up all your spices scattered throughout your kitchen. As you gather them, take a moment to check for any that may have expired, ensuring your collection only consists of fresh and usable ingredients. This process will also help you create a shopping list for any spices that need replenishing. Surprisingly, you might discover that you have a wide range of up to 40 different types of spices, as I did. With your spices accounted for buy 4-ounce ball jars for each spice. These jars are perfect for keeping spices both accessible and fresh.

Chalkboard Labels: Simple Steps to Spice Jar Organization

Take apart the metal lids and rings, put the rings aside, and give the covers a coat of chalkboard paint. (Add a second coat if needed). You may also use chalkboard spray paint. While the lids dry wash the jars with soapy water or a damp paper towel. Let dry completely before adding your spices. After the lids have dried, use a chalkboard marker to write the names of the spices on the top of the lids. (You may also use spice jar labels) Then fill the jars! It’s really that easy and straightforward!

Dedicated Drawer for Labeled Spice Jars

Turning over a kitchen drawer exclusively for these labeled spice jars has been such a great decision. After I cleared out the drawer and added some leftover wrapping paper as lining, I was pleasantly surprised by the change. It’s now so easy to locate the spices we need while cooking, and the drawer has become a practical and attractive storage space. It’s a small change that has made a big difference in how organized and efficient our kitchen feels.

a large kitchen drawer filled with the mason spice jars.

Alphabetizing Spice Jars for Easy Access

One of the most effective ways to enhance the organization of your spice collection is to alphabetize your spice jars. Alphabetization simplifies the process of finding specific spices quickly, saving you time and reducing frustration. Here’s how to get started:

  1. Sort Your Spices: Before alphabetizing, sort your spices by placing them in groups according to their initial letter. This step makes it easier to arrange them alphabetically.
  2. Empty and Arrange the Drawer: If you’re using a dedicated drawer for your spice jars, empty it and ensure it’s clean. Line the drawer with decorative paper or liner to create a visually appealing backdrop for your organized spice collection.
  3. Arrange Jars Alphabetically: Begin placing your labeled spice jars in the drawer alphabetically. Start from one corner and work your way across, grouping spices with the same initial letter together. For example, arrange “Basil,” “Bay Leaves,” and “Black Pepper” together under the letter “B.”
  4. Label Dividers (Optional): If you’d like, you can create dividers for each letter of the alphabet to further segment and organize your spices. Label these dividers with the corresponding letter to make navigation even more intuitive.
  5. Regular Maintenance: To maintain the alphabetized order, ensure that you return each spice jar to its designated spot after use. Regularly check for any misplaced jars and rearrange them as needed.
  6. Benefit of Alphabetization: Alphabetizing your spice jars not only streamlines your cooking process but also makes it easier to take inventory. When you’re running low on a particular spice, you can quickly identify it and add it to your shopping list.
  7. Enhancing Culinary Creativity: Alphabetization also encourages you to explore new flavors and combinations. As your spice jars are organized, you’re more likely to notice spices you might have forgotten about, sparking culinary experimentation.

By alphabetizing your spice jars, you’re creating an intuitive and user-friendly system that maximizes efficiency and minimizes stress while cooking. It’s a small change that can have a big impact on your kitchen organization and overall culinary experience.

holding the basil spice jar.

Cooking with Labeled Jars

Having our spices neatly organized in labeled jars has made cooking a breeze. With easy access to each spice, we can quickly find what we need without rummaging through cluttered cabinets. The clear labeling on the top of the lid ensures that we can identify spices at a glance, saving us time and frustration. When preparing meals, it’s a simple task to take out the required spices and accurately measure them, enhancing the overall cooking experience.

Maintaining Your Organized Spice Jars and Replenishing Spices

Keeping your spice jars organized and well-stocked requires some regular maintenance and periodic replenishment. Here are some tips to help you maintain the order and freshness of your spice collection:

  1. Regular Check-Up: Set aside a specific day each month to check your spice jars. Examine the labels for any fading or smudging, which can happen over time. If needed, refresh the labels using a chalk pen to ensure they remain legible.
  2. Check for Freshness: Spices lose their potency over time. Periodically check the expiration dates of your spices and discard any that have gone past their prime. You can also perform a sensory test to check if the aroma and flavor of the spice are still strong.
  3. Replenish Low Spices: As you use up spices, make a note of the ones that need replenishing. Keep a running list on your phone or a notepad in the kitchen. This way, when you’re at the grocery store, you can easily remember which spices you need to buy.
  4. Bulk Buying: Consider buying spices in bulk to save money and reduce packaging waste. Store the bulk spices in airtight containers in a cool, dark place to maintain their freshness.
  5. Transfer Spices: If you purchase spices in larger quantities, transfer them to your glass jars once you start running low. This way, you’ll always have a well-organized and accessible supply of spices. (Tip: Using a silicone funnel makes filling the jars a snap!)
  6. Rotate Your Stock: Just like with pantry items, it’s a good practice to rotate your spice stock. Use the older spices first to ensure that your collection remains fresh and flavorful.
  7. Refill and Reorganize: When you replenish your spices, take the opportunity to reorganize your mason jars. Ensure that they are still alphabetized and that the labels are clear and legible.
  8. Clean the Drawer: While checking your spices, take a moment to clean and wipe down the spice drawer or storage space. This helps maintain the freshness of your spices and keeps your storage area tidy.
  9. Enjoy the Process: Maintaining your spice collection is not just a chore—it’s an opportunity to connect with your kitchen and explore the world of flavors. Embrace the process of organization and replenishment as a way to enhance your cooking journey.

By following these simple maintenance steps and replenishing your spices as needed, you’ll ensure that your organized spice jars remain a functional and inspiring part of your kitchen routine.

Frequently Asked Questions These Easy DIY Chalkboard Spice Jars

What’s the advantage of using chalkboard labels?

Chalkboard labels offer flexibility and versatility. You can easily erase and rewrite labels if your spice collection changes. The clear labels also allow for quick identification of spices, preventing mix-ups.

How can I create a dedicated drawer for labeled spice jars?

Clear out a kitchen drawer near the stove and line it with decorative paper or liner. Be sure the drawer has enough room to house all of your spices! This ensures that your labeled spice jars are well-organized, easily accessible, and visible at a glance while cooking.

Can I personalize the labeling of spice jars?

Absolutely! Personalize the labeling by experimenting with different handwriting styles and design elements. This adds a unique touch to your spice organization and reflects your culinary personality.

a close up of metal measuring spoons filled with spices with the mason jars in the background.

Organizing our favorite spices has never been simpler, thanks to this better solution that combines functionality and aesthetics. These DIY projects often bring unexpected joy to our daily routines, and this spice organization method is no exception. By transforming an ordinary kitchen task into a great way to enhance efficiency and tidiness, you’re creating a space where cooking becomes a breeze. So, gather your favorite spices, embark on this easy DIY journey, and savor the satisfaction of a well-organized kitchen that’s ready to elevate your culinary adventures.

Thank you for visiting the blog today for this easy DIY chalkboard spice jar post! Take the plunge, empty that drawer, and fill it with your favorite spices! You will be glad you did!

Keep creating friends!

my signature, a drawing of me holding a coffee cup that says Create.

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