Sharing the story and details behind this Apothecary to Card Catalog using Annie Sloan green Chalk Paint. It all started last summer when my husband surprised me with an impromptu trip to the Brimfield Antique and Vintage Market in Brimfield, MA. I had mentioned a while back I wanted to go, he remembered. He simply asked if I wanted to go on an adventure (um, YES!)! The day before I was told to wear comfortable shoes and be ready to leave at 7:00 am.

distressed green drawer with white pansies.

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Our Trip to Brimfield Antique and Vintage Market

We made a quick stop at Starbucks and then Mass Pike West! On the way there he told me where we were going, in my excitement, I mentioned that I wanted to look for an apothecary cabinet for our front hall. My husband did not know what an apothecary was so I pulled up a few pics on my phone and said, “See, tiny little drawers!” Well, he and I scoured Brimfield, which by the way is huuuuuge, but did not find one that would work (or that we could afford!)

The Search for the Perfect Apothecary Continues

After that day, I continued to look online and on the Facebook market place but boy they few and far in between and expensive! I was giving up hope when much to my surprise, on Christmas morning my husband surprised me with this beautiful blue milk painted cabinet!

blue milk painted apothecary cabinet

Honestly, quite possibly the sweetest gift I have ever received from him! Little did I know as I was looking around all those months – so was he! And yes, when he pulled the blanket off for the big reveal, I cried…(totally justified, right??)

The Color Inspiration

The first thing he said was, “You can paint it whatever color you want” – he knows me well, lol! I was torn for a while, I mean look at this beautiful blue, chippy, milk paint finish! However, my concern was that I don’t have a lot of blue in my home and felt I would like it would be better painted white. UNTIL…I saw this from Katie Co. Furniture.

a beautiful antique dresser painted by Katie & co.
Katie is such a creative artist! visit her work at

I mean, are you kidding me?!? THIS is sheer perfection and does crazy things to my green-loving heart! I knew right away I wanted to replicate this beautiful green. I was on a mission!

annie sloan workbook to determine colors.

On a Mission to Create the Perfect Green Chalk Paint

I headed to my Annie Sloan Chalk Paint dealer, Signature Finishes in North Grafton, MA and met with Maureen the store owner. I showed her the photo of Katie’s bureau and we thumbed through her Annie Sloan workbook to determine the combination of paint that would bring me as close to Katie’s green as possible. Katie had used milk paint, but I was concerned about putting milk Paint over the existing milk paint. Not to mention, at that time I was much more comfortable with chalk paint.

combination of green and yellow chalk paint.

With Maureen’s help, this is what I came up with! 1 part Antibes Green and 1 part Arles.

The Process for Turning this Apothecary to Card Catalog Using Annie Sloan Chalk Paint

sanding apothecary cabinet

Step 1: My husband removed the knobs and I sanded the cabinet and all the drawer fronts using this Dewalt sander.

card catalog drawer pulls in bronze

Step 2: I ordered these drawer pulls from Amazon.

drawer front with bronze card catalog pull

When they arrived I checked to make sure the card catalog pulls were the right size. I wasn’t concerned with the hole left from the previous knob since I knew I would be sliding a number into the pull which would cover the hole.

drawer front painted green with Annie Sloan Chalk paint

Step 3: Painting! I have to admit I was a little concerned with how bright the green was, but I knew using Annie Sloan Dark Wax would bring the tone down a bit.

After all the drawer fronts and the cabinet were painted – I took my sander and distressed the edges of each drawer and the edges of the cabinet.

Drawer fronts all painted green.
Here are some of the drawers before I waxed them.

Waxing is Key

Step 4: Bring on the wax! Using my waxing brush, I first coated the drawers with Annie Sloan Clear Wax. The clear wax acts a buffer for the Annie Sloan Dark Wax and makes wiping the dark wax off much easier. I did 1 drawer at a time, first coating it with clear wax then immediately, using a different brush, applying the Annie Sloan dark wax – more liberally around the edges.

using Dark wax on the drawer fronts.
Dark wax over the clear wax

After the dark wax was on, I took a piece of cut up t-shirt and wiped it down leaving a small amount of residue.

green chalk paint with dark wax
dark wax, clear wax comparison.

This photo above shows how the dark wax ages the look of the drawer front and tones down the bright green.

comparing green chalk paint from card catalog to dresser.
Pretty close!!

I followed the same process for the cabinet.

card catalog pulls on the drawers.

Step 5: My husband screwed on the drawer pulls for me!

card catalog numbers printed on cream colored card stock.

Step 6: We’re getting there! I bought some cream colored card stock and printed out card catalog numbers. Once printed I cut them to size.

card catalog painted with annie sloan chalk paint and clear and dark wax.
Testing them out!

Last step was to assemble the antique apothecary turned card catalog and style!

green card catalog done with Annie Sloan chalk paint
Annie Sloan chalk painted apothecary turned card catalog.

It is exactly as I had envisioned and soooo my style! It even got the nod of approval from THE Annie Sloan herself as she shared it on her Facebook page!

For more information on finding vintage furniture visit:

a tall white apothecary in a booth at The profound market, lancaster, MA

Top 10 Tips for Antiquing: The Ultimate Guide to Navigating Vintage Markets and Shops: Join us on a thrilling journey into the world of antiquing! Discover valuable tips and tricks to enhance your treasure-hunting experience. From seeking what you love to conquer outdoor markets, this guide will help you navigate vintage markets and shops with confidence. Uncover remarkable finds that add nostalgia and character to your space. Let’s dive into the secrets of antiquing and embark on an adventure like no other!

Thank you for visiting my blog and reading about my DIY card catalog using green chalk paint. I love sharing painted furniture ideas like this one and my DIY apothecary cabinet and hutch and I am always happy to answer any questions you may have please leave them below! Also be sure to check out another cool painted furniture idea.

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